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Sentence examples for the necessary moment from inspiring English sources

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Whenever I felt compelled to explain myself and the cold facts of our history, that night outside Kenny's was the necessary moment.

The New York Times - Magazine

Clamped boundary conditions provide the necessary moment conditions.

In particular, a strong law of large numbers holds for a blockwise M-orthogonal random field with bounded p t h moment for any p > 1 a condition, which is just a little bit stronger than the necessary moment condition in the i.i.d.i.d

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These two schemes emulate the behavior of electrical machines based conventional power plant in REM, which leads to the improvement of power quality through the smooth control of voltage/frequency and resiliency through the injection of necessary moment of inertia.

No technology necessary moment of the year Robert Green fumbles an easy drive from USA's Clint Dempsey and the ball bobbles over in instalments.

This was an uncomfortable — and necessary  moment that forced the audience to think about rape culture.

The design problem involves the determination of the necessary yield moment of the wall, the wall depth and the anchor force such that the structure is able to sustain the given loads.

Always carry a small item in your pocket that you can drop at just the necessary picking moment.

This plays like a necessary moment of cinematic self-critique, the film telling us that it knows such flattery is what cheap films perennially offer us.

Though many considered Sunday night's speech a perfect, even necessary, moment for a full-blown war cry against Islamic State, the president instead spent more time addressing the American state of mind than any threat outside our borders.

This may be a necessary moment but it's not enough.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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