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exact ( 1 )

Each character of the input is stored at most one time: either inside a raw block or as part of a referential block.

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similar ( 59 )

One aliquot, corresponding to 5%% of the input, was stored without antibody treatment.

A baseline mass flow analysis (MFA) for P developed for the Twin Cities Watershed (TCW, which includes most of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan region) showed that most P input was stored in the system (65%) or leaked from it (31%); only 4% was deliberately exported as useful products.

Our solution imposes the requirement that the input data is stored where the Hadoop nodes can access it (for example, on HDFS) and is compressed in a splittable archive (such as bz2).

Through one learning epoch, the input information is stored into the synapses which are connected to the fired neuron.

Because it is estimated that only 1 percent of the input energy is stored in the particles and less than 1 percent is emitted as radiation in the visible and infrared region (4,000 to 11,000 angstroms, where Å = 10−10 metre), it is probable that most of the energy dissipated goes into the energy of channel expansion, a process requiring no more than 10 to 20 microseconds.

The input dataset is stored locally in the HDFS as a 〈k, v〉 pair where k is the key and v is the value for a given record in dataset D. The input dataset is distributed across several mappers.

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