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exact ( 3 )

Perceptual grouping can be divided into two tasks: 1) defining an affinity measure between primitives and using it to build a graph of the connectedness between primitives, and 2) extracting groups, which are the connected components of this graph.

In relation to existing instruments [ 5, 50], the innovative momentum of this instrument is a comparative analysis on the organisational level that, firstly, pays greater attention to professional self-governance and the connectedness between managerialism-professionalism, and, secondly, to actor-centred governance and accountability structures.

Given the connectedness between forest insect activity and other disturbance dynamics such as fire and large scale timber management, landscape heterogeneity is shaped by the interaction of biophysical processes, socioeconomic conditions and structures, management frameworks, and the attitudes and actions of local and regional stakeholders.

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similar ( 56 )

And now, in the current refugee crisis, the Danish government neglected all the insights and lessons it could have learned from the cartoon crisis, from the limits of the country's deterrence abilities to the deep connectedness between Danish domestic politics and the broader world around us.

Generally, coherence has been the measure of choice to provide information on the overall connectedness between two brain regions whose activity is often represented by two separate EEG or MEG signals (Thatcher et al. 1987, 2008).

Fig. 2 shows the growing connectedness between Initiative grantees and other organizations and countries.

Given the apparent connectedness between cognitive decline and dementia, it seems fitting that they would share many of the same risk and protective factors.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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