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Sentence examples for the appropriate turn from inspiring English sources

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exact (2)

If turning, use the appropriate turn signal to indicate your turn.


You will also need to observe traffic both sides left and right every time you turn your steering wheel and properly indicate your intention of turning using the appropriate turn signal.

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similar (58)

Willow recites what he thinks is the appropriate spell, but turns the goat into an ostrich, a peacock, a tortoise, and finally a tiger, before returning her to normal.

So when a tea party demonstration was announced in front of Congressman Carney's office, I expected an appropriate turn out.

If you are at a public place where texting is not appropriate turn your phone on vibrate or turn it off.

Finally, owners fear that fans will distort the images they appropriate, turning them parodic or even pornographic.

"Watch DVD" changes your TVs input to the appropriate one, turns on the DVD player, and switches the surround sound system, and so on.

This manual approach of short listing the appropriate CNC turning centres for a specific application is often a costly and time-consuming task due to various activities involved, like creating and receiving records, record keeping and maintenance, retrieving data for comparison and identification of a suitable CNC turning centre, and disaster prevention and recovery planning of vital records.

BNC cables are simple to use -- they are identical on both sides and you simply plug them into the appropriate port, turning a small nut on the end to lock it in place.

During the collapse of the past two years, the sculpture would have seemed far more appropriate turned on its head.

But while responding to the promise of Burmese reforms is understandable and appropriate, turning a blind eye to the warning signs of genocide against the Rohingya would be indefensible.

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