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Sentence examples for the appropriate opportunity from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

"If we received some casualty or injury," he said, "we wait for the appropriate opportunity to do the same".

Co-authorship of a review of the field is a valuable training experience, offered upon the appropriate opportunity to accomplished trainees that have already drawn the required fund of knowledge within their reach.

The appropriate opportunity to sort out some of the wild and unverified information would have been at an evening press conference with the FBI, but it was postponed.

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similar ( 57 )

"As long as any of the three Asia powers [China, India and Japan] feels that it does not have an appropriate status in world affairs, and the appropriate opportunities to voice its ideas and concerns, then resentment will build up," Emmott writes.

The findings suggest that recycling attitudes are the major determinant of recycling behaviour, and that these attitudes are influenced firstly, by having the appropriate opportunities, facilities and knowledge to recycle, and secondly, by not being deterred by the issues of physically recycling (e.g. time, space and inconvenience).

Hafferty argues that in order to develop as a fully fledged professional, the student must understand the profession's values and norms and that this means they must be supported in obtaining the appropriate opportunities [ 11].

Building on ideas first set out in Trivers' (1971) classic paper on "reciprocal altruism," Axelrod and Hamilton (1981) described a simple "tit-for-tat" strategy, in which an organism helps on the first appropriate opportunity and then helps on subsequent opportunities if and only if the partner helped on the previous appropriate opportunity.

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