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Sentence examples for the appropriate milestone from inspiring English sources

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And let us make the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the appropriate milestone to achieve our goal: to abolish nuclear weapons, and safeguard the future of our one shared planet earth.

Huffington Post
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The child attained age appropriate milestones and had no other systemic manifestations.

As elaborated elsewhere [ 31, 32], the trainer presented one or two playful learning activities during each visit targeting developmentally appropriate milestones.

The timing of the milestone was appropriate because the victory kept the surprising Yankees in first place by percentage points in the American League East, and because Girardi has been finding ways to help his short-handed team win.

There are also certain religious milestones that children would have been expected to do at the appropriate age, such as baptism for Roman Catholic primary schools and first communion for secondary schools.

…Under the appropriate circumstances.

In a phone conversation after my visits, Mr. DelBello, who previously owned Walk Street restaurant in Garden City, said he wanted a place appropriate for milestone dinners yet casual enough for sailors coming off their boats.

For years, Sinn Féin has been systematically appropriating the militant milestones of an Irish state whose legitimacy it has never recognised.

Majority (96.7%) had appropriate developmental milestones at ART initiation.

A follow-up with pediatric neurology at two years of age confirmed a normal examination, with all appropriate developmental milestones reached.

We hypothesize that international financing can support science-based R&D where a commercial business case may not be evident, especially if assisted by appropriate metrics, milestones, networks, and platforms.

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