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Sentence examples similar to thank you for letting me know this from inspiring English sources

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The sentence 'thank you for letting me know this' is correct and can be used in written English. You could use it when someone has given you important information or details about something. For example: "I appreciate your help; thank you for letting me know this."

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("Thank you for letting me know the music is too loud. I'll turn it down right away").. Give them choices and encourage thinking.

"Thanks for letting me into your lane, thanks for turning off your brights, and thank you for letting me know that the light turned green". It's more effective than a wave and it's easy to see at night.

Thank you for letting me know that someday, some employer may accept my unique contributions to the workplace, or even value them".

"Thank you for letting me know about the car," he said.

Tomorrow night, finally, we will both sleep; thank you for letting me know".

"Thank you for letting me know that the loud noise hurt your ears!

"Thank you for letting me go legit".

"Thank you for letting me win today".

Thank you for letting me in again.

Yuck! Anyway, thank you for letting me into Harvard!

Try saying: "Thank you for letting me choose the channel".

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