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exact ( 16 )

She responded at one point with a text saying that she loved him.

As we talk, I receive a text saying that Donald Trump has just ordered over 5,000 troops to the US border.

The opening scene of a new commercial promoting Representative Rick A. Lazio's record displays the standard text saying that it was paid by Mr. Lazio's campaign.

Many delegates expressed outrage with the new text, saying that it favored the interests of richer nations by, for example, ignoring language that poorer countries had proposed on the issue of financing.

There were more rounds of texts and calls, between Kabul, New York, and Washington, at 3 04, 3 07, 3 09, 3 10 — and then, at 3 13, a text saying that incoming had stopped.

The episode of the show had been promoted on The Wright Show website with text saying that Knox is "undeniably fit and loves wild sex" and asking men whether if "she invited you back to hers, would you go?".

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similar ( 44 )

However, it was not what the texts said that was a subject matter to be investigated, but rather the focus was on the ethics expressed in them or the essential meaning of ethically good phenomena (or the essential meaning missing in ethically poor phenomena)[ 39].

The main text said that 90% of trees in Denmark had been "wiped out".

The main text said that 90% of trees in Denmark had been killed.

The headline and main text said that 90% of trees in Denmark had been killed.

The final text says that countries "may" (rather than "shall") provide detailed information and a timeframe for their emissions cuts.

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