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Sentence examples for terrible significance from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

What is fascinating to see is how the blind prisoners are admitted to the quarantine camp in the order in which they made fleeting contact in the preceding narrative: a pharmacy clerk, a cop, a hotel maid, all connected via the fleeting and heedless contact of the modern, uncaring city, and now joined in a chain of terrible significance.

However you judge the response of American news organizations during the early days of the war, they certainly made those days vivid to viewers, and they helped us understand the terrible significance of the resistance the Marines faced in southern Iraq as they made their way from Kuwait to Baghdad.

Once I did finally leave the apartment, I had to decide which side of the street to walk down, where to sit on the subway: even the most trivial choices were freighted with terrible significance, and I lived in constant dread of making the wrong one.

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similar ( 57 )

The weapon has a terrible, talismanic significance for Musa, who was formerly employed as a gardener by Uday and finds himself visited by his chuckling ghost.

He understood so well the significance of his terrible disease and its impact on not only himself, but on the lives of so many other young victims and their families.

For Jessica to have stolen the ring her mother gave her father – and she would surely have known its significance – is a most terrible betrayal.

Keller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cultural critic for The Chicago Tribune, pays due attention to the military significance of Gatling's "terrible marvel" and its direct descendants in World War I and later.

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