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Sentence examples for terrible concert from inspiring English sources

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This trend of big money artists leaving labels to try things on their own is bad news for a music industry that faces falling CD sales, a terrible concert event economy in the short run and a general drying up of venture-backed startups willing to pay exorbitant settlement costs for copyright infringement cases.

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A year later, in 2010, Mr. Carpenter — the enfant terrible of the concert organ world — moved from the East Village to a loft in what was once a bombed-out neighborhood in the East German side of the city and is now the trendy district of Mitte.

But it was the combination of the devastating slider and the famous fastball (plus some other, less tangible assets that we shall get to in time) that made Gibson almost untouchable at his best, just as Sandy Koufax's down-diving curveball worked in such terrible (to hitters) concert with his illustrious upriding fastball.

This was only the second time a hip-hop artist has been in the "Unplugged" series, which is reasonable; it's common knowledge that almost all hip-hop concerts are terrible, and what do you stand to gain by taking rappers away from electronics and the guiding hand of producers?

London, with two endearing old opera houses, has had terrible luck with its newer concert spaces.

It's too bad, as Harlow Robinson points out in program notes, that Prokofiev never got around to reshaping his music for the two-part Eisenstein film "Ivan the Terrible" (1944 , 1958 into a proper concert work, as he did with the score for Eisenstein's "Alexander Nevsky" (1938).

But the concert was almost uniformly terrible, save for a few moments of musical intensity and some individual stories.

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