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exact ( 24 )

It is unlikely that the integrative team of providers could have provided consistent care without the structure provided by the care pathway; case managers were integral to reinforcing this process.

They ranged from a multi-specialty office arrangement, to a community clinic operated as part of a federally-qualified health center, to a team of providers based in and providing care for residents of an elderly public housing project.

Abortion services were often not provided due to "pro-life doctors not wanting to do anything about abortions", resulting in a roving team of providers from the private sector providing the services.

Some doctors who provided second trimester abortions formed part of a "roving team" of providers who rotated between public sector facilities in the study sites.

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similar ( 36 )

All the women receive care through "medical homes," in which teams of providers work together to provide coordinated care.

In order to operate properly and provide high quality care, health centers and hospitals require teams of providers and administrators with an appropriate mix of complementary skills and responsibilities [ 3].

A year later, the commission recommended the broad outlines of a global payment plan that essentially calls for teams of providers to be put on a budget for each patient's care.

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