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Sentence examples for team of businessmen from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 1 )

As a member of the same team of businessmen, actor Oliver Platt has an extended meltdown over how long they have been waiting and Mnuchin is essentially a straight-man silently watching his colleague become more and more unhinged.

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similar ( 59 )

It is set up to deliver a profit to its shareholders who include the professors and a team of wealthy businessmen who have bankrolled the plan.

He also played for the team of the businessman Lionel Robinson, including some first-class games, over the following seasons.

"Unlike most owners of pro teams, he cared more about winning than the business, knowing that would come later," said McNall, whose financial misdeeds led him to sell the team to businessmen Joe Cohen and Jeffrey Sudikoff in 1994.

From 1989 until 2003, Mr. Chu had only two restaurants in Manhattan, before teaming up with a pair of businessmen who encouraged him to expand.

Financially speaking, Johnson is a smaller fish in a group of businessmen who have elected to buy the team.

In late 1999 we were taken over by an Icelandic consortium of businessmen led by current manager (and ex-Iceland team boss) Gudjon Thordarson.

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