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Sentence examples for tape himself from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 7 )

The week before Bouazizi's death, Hamada Ben Amor, who is twenty-two and goes by the name El Général, used a handheld camera to tape himself singing the song, a baseball cap pulled over his eyes.

Coll writes: The week before Bouazizi's death, Hamada Ben Amor, who is twenty-two and goes by the name El Général, used a handheld camera to tape himself singing the song, a baseball cap pulled over his eyes.

Though Mr. Seibert had to tape himself from his hip to his ankle and strap on a homemade leg brace, his skiing progressed to the point that he qualified for the 1950 United States Alpine ski team.

You'd think that if Mr. Eisner was going to tape himself having a conversation with a friend, then Ms. Stewart and Mr. Stringer would act a little bit more like his friends.

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similar ( 53 )

Mr. Wolter said that he was keeping the tapes himself.

Mr. Smith decided to do the taping himself, and gave the gun to Mr. Salley.

He says The Anthologist was written largely by taping himself speaking.

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