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Sentence examples for subdural space from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 47 )

Blood leaking from the bridging veins then collects in the subdural space, creating a hematoma.

We present a new dural incision design that provides an appropriate volume of subdural space with minimal incisions.

The inner sheet is separated from the arachnoid by the narrow subdural space, which is filled with fluid.

In a few places, the subdural space is absent, and the arachnoid is intimately fused with the dura mater.

Prior to each experiment, the subdural space was filled with physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) solution to replace the cerebrospinal fluid lost during the insertion of the recording electrodes.

This duct connects the interior of the cochlea with the subdural space in the posterior cranial fossa (the rear portion of the floor of the cranial cavity).

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similar ( 13 )

The tumor cell suspension was slowly injected into the brain parenchyma over the period of 10 minutes to ensure steady resorption of injectate by the brain and to prevent the back-flux of cells into the subarachnoid and subdural spaces.

Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of affected individuals consistently shows polymicrogyria in the frontal and parietal lobes, wide sylvian fissures, thin corpus callosum and increased subdural spaces.

Multiple electrodes had been implanted into the subdural spaces over their left hemispheres for several days as part of clinical evaluations prior to surgical resections.

Another classification can be described as epidural (intraspinal, epidural air) and intradural (intraspinal air within subdural or subarachnoid space) PR [2].

Computed tomography (CT) imaging is an excellent modality for detecting acute blood products in the subarachnoid, subdural or extradural space.

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