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Sentence examples for spent a lot of resources from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 4 )

"We need to put ourselves in a place so we don't have to spent a lot of resources to catch up".

"So we have spent a lot of resources and as you can see from the numbers collected and their ability to reproduce rapidly, this program will not be wrapped up in a few months," she says.

While Square and iZettle have spent a lot of resources encouraging merchants to sign on to their platform, Rocket Internet has a portfolio of other operations that could serve as a very immediate route to customers for Payleven's dongles: take-out food companies (FoodPanda) and private accommodation (for its Airbnb clone Wimdu) among them.

"The right to protect yourself and to protect your health is something we've spent a lot of resources ensuring everyone has.

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similar ( 53 )

Aravind spends a lot of resources recruiting free patients.

Such schools spend a lot of resources on maintaining relations with ex-students.

Customers have to pay large sums of money up front, bear much of the risk that a program may not work as promised, and cannot readily switch vendors.IT firms, for their part, have to spend a lot of resources on marketing and distribution, rather than concentrating on developing software that works well and is easy to use.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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