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exact ( 3 )

Mr. Obama's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, became the highest-level American official to visit Damascus since 2005, and he acknowledged Syria's significance, saying that it had a central role to play in forging a Mideast peace.

Mr. Farhadi denied that the film had any broader political significance, saying that it is less a story about Iran than about a couple and "human problems and conditions" and "the difficulties of relationships between people".

Administration officials dismissed the document's significance, saying that, despite the jaw-dropping headline, it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda's history, not a warning of the impending attack.

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similar ( 53 )

Jonathan Schechter, the executive director of the Charture Institute, which studies growth and change in places of ecological significance, said that Teton has the highest adjusted gross income of any county in the country.

Sprewell did not discount the significance of the victories, though, saying that momentum made it easier to endure the wear and tear of such a physically challenging trip.

Please don't try to diminish the significance of this precedent by saying that Pope Francis is just another head of state.

"This is a result of general significance, I think," Burke says, "that could be informative in the search for human longevity genes.

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