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Sentence examples similar to she worked on the topic from inspiring English sources

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In the first week of her freshman year she arranged a neuroscience UROP, and over the years she worked on topics including moral cognition and the neural and psychophysical effects of meditation.

This will get their minds working on the topic and will provide for a much more productive session.

Denham is slated to present an update on the investigation to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee on November 6, but she said work on the topic of digital influence on politics will continue beyond that date.

The routine is fairly consistent: I go around the table, calling on each writer, who talks about the editorials that she or he is working on, what the topic will be and what the editorial point, or "bottom line," will be.

The probationer would be working on the same topic and, in effect, also under his direction.

These motivated us to work on the present topic.

Second, she has worked on topics related to immigration.

She has worked on topics in quantuminformation theory and quantum thermodynamics, including quantum computation,entanglement in quantum many-body systems, thermodynamics in the strong couplinglimit, and non-equilibrium dynamics of levitated nanospheres.

She works primarily on topics in moral psychology and philosophy of psychology.

"He never worked on any topic thinking it might be any use for the world," Anniek told me.

No one has worked on this scientific topic.

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