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Sentence examples for set out on a mission from inspiring English sources

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"set out on a mission" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to refer to beginning a task or a journey with a determined purpose in mind. For example, "With the help of their team of experts, the company set out on a mission to build a new software platform.".

On a mission.
Being on a mission refers to acting in a determined way and so focus in doing something that he/she is oblivious of anything else around him/her.
exact ( 55 )

Last year, our Healthy Food in Health Care team set out on a mission: convince hospitals across the country to serve at least one meal featuring sustainably raised meat on Food Day.

She fired her trainer, and immediately set out on a mission to shed the unwanted pounds on her own.

Without telling his brother, Jes set out on a mission to change the homophobic culture of Wall Street.

SOON after we became New Yorkers two years ago, my husband and I set out on a mission.

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similar ( 4 )

Nebraska stars 1970s veteran Bruce Dern as Woody Grant, a befuddled alcoholic who sets out on a mission to redeem what he believes is a winning lottery ticket.

He sets out on a mission across Europe in an effort to find out who wants to kill him, a challenge complicated by the fact he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

In "Isn't It Romantic?" a Bond-like operative identified only as N sets out on a mission in the French Pyrenees entailing good food, fast cars, esoteric trade talk and sexy women.

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