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Sentence examples for sensitive feet from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 6 )

Wilson, J. B. Priorities in statistics, the sensitive feet of elephants, and don't transform data.

She has retained the royal heroine, Irene, as well as the goblin foes and their sensitive feet.

For the record, the company that produced the event, The Achievement Group, said "some people just have incredibly sensitive feet".

For those of us with sensitive feet, or simply sensible minds, there are plenty of companies who produce fun and safe activities that don't require barbecuing yourself.

To cushion the blow from jogging on such hard surfaces, running shoes provide a barrier of springy foam between the road and our sensitive feet.

Lameness is when a horse has sensitive feet due to a rock or illness.

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similar ( 54 )

The mean of the two measurements for the least sensitive foot was used in further analyses (2).

Unsurprisingly, the wobbly Italian government, facing populist challenge from the left-wing nationalist Five Star Movement, was anxious to avoid putting any more bullets in its sensitive political feet.

To help them face these considerable technical challenges, the researchers have a powerful tool on their side: the exquisitely sensitive 150-foot-diameter Dish, which SRI International operates and maintains and the U.S. government owns.

The dog's paws are as heat sensitive as your feet and if your feet would hurt on a hot surface, so will your dog's.

This study found that the great toe and central forefoot regions are the foot loads bearing parts in the fifth-toe deformity group and the most sensitive areas to foot ulceration due to long-term collapse impact.

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