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Sentence examples for semblance of stability from inspiring English sources

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demanding signings, we're desperate for mere survival and some semblance of stability.

What semblance of stability the foster parent had helped to establish began to unravel last fall, Ms. Jacobs argued.

A semblance of stability returned as Bagapsh improved tax collection and continued the slow process of rebuilding.

Regaining a semblance of stability here is a goal of both the Iraqi government and the Americans.

All they want is a semblance of stability and a decent chance to get on with their lives.

The word is that Mr. Dando has returned to some semblance of stability and is writing new beautiful songs to break the hearts of the underground.

Layden's short-term job security is tied to the Knicks' need for a semblance of stability this summer, with so many decisions to be made.

It's one where experts are allowed to be experts, capitalists are allowed to accumulate, and ordinary workers are allowed a semblance of stability.

They also bring the organizers of the Coventry market some semblance of stability: $5,000 in membership fees last summer and loyal customers for the season.

The overriding aims of the IMF programme now in place are to restore some semblance of stability to the currency and shore up the country's financial system.

Whoever wins the election, the priority will be to bring a semblance of stability to South Korean politics and begin the difficult task of uniting a country that has become bitterly divided by the scandal.

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