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Sentence examples for seem suitable from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "seem suitable" is correct in written English. You can use it when you want to indicate that something appears to be appropriate, fitting, or acceptable. For example, "This outfit seems suitable for the occasion.".

exact ( 60 )

That doesn't seem suitable for kids, Mr. Jemas is told.

Since Mr Blair pushed for the post's creation in the first place, he might seem suitable.

The best pairings, he said, are the ones that at first glance might not seem suitable.

It didn't seem suitable – I think I wanted to do an Andy McNab or Ian Rankin, or something like that.

"Some of the applications developed a few years ago now don't seem suitable for TV," concedes Jon Florsheim, head of interactive at Sky.

She also emphasized that the Citifinancial computer system used by the sales staff automatically rejected products and interest rate levels that did not seem suitable for a specific customer, giving Citifinancial a measure of centralized control over lending practices.

At Zucco: Le French Diner on Orchard Street, Greko Chemoul and his father, Zucco, who died last year, banned ketchup and Budweiser because they did not seem suitable accompaniments for the establishment's food.

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