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Sentence examples for scent of victory from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 21 )

The trouble is that the sudden scent of victory can cloud judgment.

The conservative organizations that have been pushing for impeachment for months are picking up the unfamiliar scent of victory.

Cross as many Europeans sometimes were with Mr Blair, like the Sorbonne audience they picked up the scent of victory that he carried.

The DKBA is much loathed, and many of its soldiers might join the KNU if it had any scent of victory.

But he faces an angry left, a disappointed middle class and an opposition revived by the scent of victory in next year's election.

This time, it was Ms Rousseff who was left without a comeback.The scent of victory, however faint, has fired up Mr Serra's allies.

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similar ( 39 )

Well, with the smell of victory over the Taliban crowding out the scent of mass murder from the World Trade Center, the Ashcroft defenders have half a point: some people are indeed forgetting that a war is still going on.

That was the mark of an arch-predator scenting the blood of victory.

But in doing so, Spieth is going to have to withstand the most ferocious of pressure from players who suddenly scent victory of their own.

After a quarter-century of struggle the movement has scented victory of a kind, taking seats in parliament just this year.

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