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exact (4)

Or would Tottenham's plan of tearing it down have sat better?

The Guardian - Sport

But Fitt's inner-city socialism sat better with Labour in London, while Hume worked better with Dublin and politicians and diplomats in Europe.

But Gerry's inner-city socialism sat better with Labour in London, while Hume worked better with Dublin and politicians and diplomats on the continent.

Here are two life lessons I've picked up along the way: Am I not good enough simply because I don't have a 2400, a 2300 or a 2200 on the SAT? Better yet, am I my SAT score?

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similar (54)

It pays little but sits better on her conscience than her unpaid work for the government.

Moderation sits better with Mr Paxon, which is precisely why he was the coup-plotters' favourite.

And yet that description of his project seemed to sit better with Quijada than any other set of words that anyone else had used to describe it.

I tested the 42mm man's version, which was comfortable to wear and sits better on my wrist than its predecessor, feeling a little more secure.

To make this view somehow its opposite is to refuse to read what's there on the page, in search of something that might sit better on Page Six.

So it seems, in the end, that Fifa Street's new cooler, slicker presentation sits better with the game than I first imagined.

He will probably dispense with the anti-Semitic outbursts, officials here say, in part because his own background as a graduate in Islamic studies sits better with the Islamic religious leaders.

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Listya Utami K.

PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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