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Sentence examples for responsibility of officials from inspiring English sources

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Its action depends on the fundamental competence, dedication, and responsibility of officials at all levels of government, who must make good decisions under pressure.

The New Yorker

In a statement released on Tuesday, the ICC said: "The new information received by the office alleges the responsibility of officials of the United Kingdom for war crimes involving systematic detainee abuse in Iraq from 2003 until 2008.

It is the responsibility of officials from the Greek police and the European borders agency, Frontex, to ensure that all under-18s who arrive are taken into care if they are found to be without a parent or relative.

In his note to Greening, Rutnam reiterated that the problem was "clearly the responsibility of officials and not ministers" and acknowledged that during the franchise process "both you and Theresa Villiers [then a transport minister] were assured by officials in this department that the process was robust and sound".

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The raised awareness among the members of civil society results in claims for deeper participation in the political process to consult decision making, to raise their objections and to perform functions which have usually been the responsibility of official authorities.

Two well-known ordinances, in 1254 and 1256, carefully outlined the duties and responsibilities of officials in the royal domain, and Louis closely supervised their activities.

But the prime responsibilities of officials in those other sports have always been to recognize infractions and assign blame, and umpires don't do that.

"The responsibilities of officials should place them in the public eye, and this naturally reduces the amount of privacy they have," Ji Yueyin, an online commentator for Yanzhao Metropolis Daily, said in a group discussion that was published by the newspaper.

The Huntsville case comes on the heels of the shootings in Tucson that left six dead and raised questions about the responsibilities of officials at Pima Community College, where the man charged in the attacks, Jared L. Loughner, exhibited unusual behavior as a student.

District health departments should be made more resourceful in monitoring, evaluation, and financial matters and clear guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of officials at every level from the centre to the districts should be developed.

They stressed that making district health departments more resourceful in policy and planning, human resource management, resource allocation, monitoring and evaluation and financial matters, and developing clear guidelines for roles and responsibilities of officials at every level from the centre to the districts may help to improve services.

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