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Sentence examples similar to responsibility of actors from inspiring English sources

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This is only possible on the basis of co-responsibility of actors for the whole process and its outcomes, so research priorities can be defined, and knowledge gaps and risks can be identified at the right moment.

Life Sciences, Society and Policy

What is being innovated are the roles and responsibilities of actors and stakeholders in research and innovation.

By 'logic' we mean the aims, duties and responsibilities of actors from participating organizations and relations between them in the Dutch context of local health policy.

The process model has to indicate the system of rules and responsibilities of actors across the organization, facilitate the assessment of resource consumption accurately, facilitate allocation of resources among units by exemplifying a profile capacity usage, and enable the realization of a detailed variance analysis [ 52].

It was found that developing circular buildings requires (i) a new process design where a variety of disciplines in the supply chain is integrated upfront, (ii) the co-creation of an ambitious vision, (iii) extension of responsibilities to actors along the entire building supply chain, and (iv) new business and ownership models.

"It confirms the responsibility of the actors and that Total was at fault".

For the first time, a national human rights body is officially taking steps to address the impacts of climate change on human rights and the responsibility of private actors," said Zelda Soriano, legal and political adviser for Greenpeace Southeast Asia, one of the groups which has brought the complaint to the CHR.

In setting out plans, we ask that high burden countries include a focus on reaching the poorest children; incorporate the indirect interventions that are the responsibility of other actors; and include a strong monitoring framework and regular review process, with input from civil society and other stakeholders.

GPs saw primary prevention as the responsibility of multiple actors in a network of societal and municipal institutions.

4 6 The responsibility of humanitarian actors to respond to the SRH needs of those affected by conflict and natural disasters has been increasingly recognised over the past two decades.

At the beginning of the 2000s, reference to the role and responsibility of local actors and local community is an essential part of health policy rhetoric [ 39].

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