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Sentence examples for reputation to uphold from inspiring English sources

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"reputation to uphold" is a correct and commonly used phrase in written English. It is typically used to describe the responsibility or obligation someone has to maintain a positive image or standing in the eyes of others. Example: As a public figure, the politician had a reputation to uphold and always acted with integrity and honesty.

exact ( 52 )

We have a reputation to uphold".

They have a reputation to uphold".

I have a reputation to uphold".

I'm a professional, and we have a reputation to uphold.

He had a reputation to uphold as an aggressive commander.

After all, The Times has a reputation to uphold.

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Other, more down-home establishments have august reputations to uphold.

Some street vendors still had their reputations to uphold though, and Andrea Nguyen, author of Into the Vietnamese Kitchen, explained that there were "secret" pho shops that sold quality rice noodles to "customers in the know".

They won't tarnish the paper, because they have local reputations to uphold.

Club owners are apparently known to give a great deal of importance to their employees' safety and have their reputations to uphold, vis-à-vis the authorities.

It still seems probable that larger, big-name clubs with money to spare, sponsors to please, and reputations to uphold will continue treating smaller, more efficiently run clubs like Leicester City as farm teams, making them extravagant offers they can't refuse for their best players.

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