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Sentence examples similar to relationship to recipient from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "relationship to recipient" is correct and usable in written English. It is used to refer to the type of relationship someone has with the person receiving something, or the person to whom something is addressed. For example, "The request for an invitation must include information about the applicant's relationship to the recipient.".

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After signing up, shoppers answer questions about the person they are seeking a gift for, describing their relationship to the recipient, the recipient's gender, tastes and preferences, like whether the person enjoys cooking.

Unlike the custom in America, where originality is fundamental to gift selection, in Japan price is what counts -- the occasion and relationship to the recipient dictates the amount.

The dim lighting, ill-defined relationship to the recipient of the work, and absence of identifying features convey that whose penis this is does not matter.

After signing up, shoppers answer a series of questions about the person they are shopping for, describing their relationship to the recipient, their gender and questions about their tastes and preferences, like whether the person enjoys cooking.

Donors without a prolonged emotional relationship to the recipient are therefore excluded from donation.

These three donor candidates, however, had given the impression that they had a coincidental relationship to the recipient.

Sociodemographic details obtained at baseline included age, sex, ethnicity, relationship to the recipient of care (for example, spouse, child), level of education, last occupation, and living situation.

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