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Sentence examples for recreate a plan from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 1 )

However, remains are substantial enough to recreate a plan of the castle.

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similar ( 56 )

He said his team could recreate a mall floor plan in a couple of hours, based on originals that they find in the public domain.

Now, according to Mr. Shvydkoi, the government is considering a plan to recreate a government-run distribution network that would help more Russian movies find their way onto the big screen.

A plan to recreate a central cooling plant for the entire development, using Hudson River water drawn and expelled through five-foot-diameter pipes, has been criticized for its potential harm to marine life (or "aquatic biota" in the language of the statement).

All my sons are home and still in bed, and I have a vague plan to recreate a happy family expedition from days gone by, even though no such event ever occurred.

There are only two surviving structures, a weavers' cottage and a stable, but Monticello plans to recreate a slave cabin.

He plans to recreate a British country green in the Olympic stadium, which will contain every conceivable cliché about the nation: a cottage, rolling fields,  Glastonbury, the M25, sheep, a gaggle of geese and even artificial rain in the unlikely event that London fails to produce the real stuff.Following the announcement, newspaper writers seemed most amused by the farm animals.

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