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Sentence examples for recognition from inspiring English sources




The act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized

  • He looked at her for ten full minutes before recognition dawned.
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"recognition" is a perfectly acceptable and widely used word in written English. You can use it whenever you wish to refer to the act of acknowledging or appreciating something, such as an achievement or accomplishment. For example, "The board of directors all agreed to give recognition to the employee for her hard work and dedication over the past year.".

exact ( 60 )

This was not some "wave of adolescent paranoia," but a recognition of having been let down.

Protests, petitions, two call-ins of the plans by supportive councillors to the Overview and Scrutiny committee, a new (yet still flawed) consultation process in recognition of the initial inadequate attempt, and much publicity.

And core to these capabilities and to the strategy for developing them is a recognition that we need collective leadership.

For Kirsty Sword Gusmao, being appointed an officer of the Order of Australia is not just a recognition of her life's work, but of another country.

"Since its very first exhibition in 2007, Harma Gallery has known great recognition, overcome visitors' expectations and gained popularity and customer loyalty very rapidly.

UN security council resolution 242, adopted in November 1967, called for the withdrawal of Israel's armed forces "from territories occupied in the recent conflict" and recognition of the right for all to live in peace "within secure and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".

There is recognition that change is best accompanied by stability, and democracy only works if debate is conducted in a reasonable atmosphere where words can be bold, even harsh, but not inflammatory.

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