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Sentence examples for quickly sail from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 1 )

The only hope for Charleston against attacking ironclads, Beauregard noted, was "the concentration of the metal that can be brought to bear upon them…" Beauregard and his staff foresaw the Union's strategy likely would be to quickly sail its ironclad fleet straight past Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie into the more lightly guarded inner harbor.

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similar ( 55 )

The boat comes apart quickly sails folded and bagged, lines coiled, rudder and tiller lashed in the cockpit.

Soriano swung, smashing a line drive that climbed, the ball rising as it quickly sailed toward the left-field wall, scraping it and skidding off the top ledge.

The two-thirds majority returned for the LDP and its ruling coalition vindicated him.His authority now unchallenged, the postal and highway bills quickly sailed through the new parliament.

It is all too easy to envision this historical moment going the way of a low fastball pitched to Sammy Sosa -- quickly sailing way out past anyone's grasp -- perhaps even before there's time to write a song about it.

Aware that there are pitfalls for their party from the jittery stock market and perceptions that the Bush administration is closely associated with corporate America, Republicans quickly sailed beyond the president to join Democrats in enacting tough measures to fight corporate malfeasance.

Four days later, with many of the crew attending a dance on shore, the Campoamor was boarded near midnight by an armed Nationalist raiding party, which quickly sailed it to a port held by Franco.

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