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Sentence examples for quickly innovation from inspiring English sources

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There are even second-wave snoozers like V. V. Brown, proving how quickly innovation gives way to simulation.

The New York Times - Arts

It was amazing to see how quickly innovation solved the problem with CFCs so we got rid of them yet still have hair spray and air conditioning.

It seems that politics, not science, may be the critical factor in how quickly innovation makes its way out of the lab and into the local doctor's office or operating room.

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Income inequality continues to increase worldwide, with educated individuals gaining ground quickly in innovation economies, while lower-skilled workers fall behind.

What many environmentalists, journalists and politicians fail to consider when assessing the future is how quickly technological innovation is growing.

What's better, it gives us a platform for relevancy that can spin quickly into innovation and creativity.

If the states in favor of giving the ITU "jurisdiction over the internet's operations and content" succeed in imposing geographic rules on the borderless internet, the change would quickly stifle innovation and the free exchange of ideas that have driven cyberspace's growth and influence.

Innovations that can be attempted on the instalment arrangement are embraced quickly than innovations that are not tried.

"In TicketMonster, we also saw a team that could innovate quickly and drive innovation in the category".

To be competitive on an increasingly competitive global market, companies must be better at quickly developing innovations and new product platforms.

The Monadnock is a good place to get a practical sense of how quickly these innovations were catching on: the original northern half of the building consists of traditional load-bearing walls that are 6ft thick at the bottom, while the southern half, constructed only two years later, uses the then-revolutionary metal frame for drastically thinner walls that go just as high.

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