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Sentence examples for professional trend from inspiring English sources

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Shakar's first novel, "The Savage Girl," concerned a troop of professional "trend spotters" who insist that marketing exists to help us use commodities to create ideal worlds "where we keep all that's best in us".

Joie Reinstein, a professional trend forecaster who has used Airbnb all over the world, said, "I think that what will really rally people is the idea of defending the entire sharing economy" — ride-sharing companies such as Lyft, boat-sharing companies such as Boatbound, clothes-sharing companies such as thredUP — "which should be the future economy".

Over the past few years another professional trend has dribbled down to the college level arena naming rights.

Meanwhile, a stalwart toy aficionado can not only find the classics -- such as Monogram Models or metal cars and classic Gund Teddy Bears -- but also the quirky; and for one who is also a professional trend seeker, the latest innovations in technology, geek cutting edge and geo-political subject matter that inspires deep-minded board games can be found as well.

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Additional means need to be developed, scientific and professional trends must be actively followed, and minimal standards in research education should be maintained throughout Europe.

It was once thought that living in rural or nonurban areas meant being cut off from up-to-the-minute cultural, political and professional trends.

Falling Water This eerie new drama revolves around three strangers — a bank security chief, a police detective and a professional trend-spotter — who gradually realize they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream.

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