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Sentence examples for professional leanings from inspiring English sources

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Visual inspection of the rater photographic records indicates that the raters (despite differences in professional leanings) were typically close in their approximation of the knee centre with only slight variation evident for the line of femur estimation.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
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A professional chanter, leaning on a cane, keens verses from the Koran in exchange for a crumpled thousand-dinar note, worth less than a dollar.

He next served as a lawyer with the Mass Defense Project of the National Lawyers Guild, a left-leaning professional organization founded in 1937 to counter the American Bar Association's exclusion of black lawyers.

While "Leaning Back" I realized in order to grow professionally, continued professional development is critical to my growth in my career.

The work brought him into contact with environmental advocates, people like Michael Clark, who was building a coalition to protect the Yellowstone ecosystem, and Jeff DeBonis, who was organizing green-leaning professionals in the Forest Service.

Even with extra padding, medical professionals advise against leaning on the crutch pads with your underarms.

Because the one thing that it fails to do persuasively is explain why so many people in New York, including African-Americans and professional skeptics writing in left-leaning publications like The Village Voice, almost immediately accepted that the teenagers were guilty and believed the police, with whom these same skeptics had often been often politically at odds.

They are the Western-leaning intelligentsia, the professional classes with relatives abroad, and the students of the Maidan who first organized protests against former President Viktor Yanukovych's kleptocratic and violent government in November 2013.

Johnson was leaning toward retiring from professional football anyway, but the humiliating 62-7 loss to Jacksonville was a not-so-gentle shove.

If you're leaning on a trusted professional to do your taxes, this part is a cinch.

Word is, and you know how the word is, that Obama had been leaning to picking intelligence professional John Brennan, who advised him during the campaign, as CIA director.

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