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exact ( 4 )

Tell me your timetable practically speaking for when this is going to happen.

A philosopher could not hope for a more direct influence on the fate of mankind than by writing such a book; or, practically speaking, for a better advertisement for a royal job.

On her way into the Vanity Fair Oscar party early this morning, Queen Latifah did what any celebrity might do when told she cannot bring her bodyguard into the hottest party in town -- and it's 1 a.m., too late, practically speaking, for a snit.

Abortion is still legal, but practically speaking, for many women in many states, it's not a right.

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similar ( 56 )

iPS cell banks are being expanded to cover 170 different HLA genotypes which, practically speaking, allows for an immuno-compatible match for 80% of the Japanese population [ 19].

Practically speaking, in order for Trump to hold Clifford to the agreement, he has to fight her in court — a process he began Friday — and come out and admit to the deal publicly.

"This is a huge disappointment in some ways but practically speaking it is for the best," Sunderland blogged on his website:

In practice, that sounds very cool, but practically speaking, I found little use for it.

"Practically speaking, the best way for a hospital to acquire donors is by contacting former patients," Ms. Fernandez told the government health agency, adding that mailings by her foundation bring in about 1,500 responses a year from patients.

Practically speaking, this would allow for succession (part of avoiding his father's mistakes is ensuring the business can continue without him) and, in the shorter term, for the company to open new restaurants not just in Miami but anywhere in the world.

Practically speaking, the grant is for both of us.

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