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"They did not give any clarity on a potential timeline for an I.P.O.," said Scott Kessler, an analyst with Standard & Poor's.

TechCrunch has been in touch with Apple about the potential timeline for a software fix and will update this story accordingly.

Elon Musk is really accelerating the potential timeline for delivering self-driving: The Tesla CEO said on a press call that he hopes to deliver a test ride of fully autonomous Tesla vehicle driving by next year.

Google hasn't officially weighed in on a potential timeline for breaking Now out of its strictly mobile confines, but as these notifications become more widespread, they become a better vector for the sorts of information Google Now is meant to highlight.

Here's a potential timeline of events for Sunday that could end with the Giants slipping into the postseason. 1 P.M.

Delays aren't uncommon in the space business, however, and Elon Musk's rosy projections for potential timelines are always a bit overly optimistic.

The Iranians have presented at least two timelines for a potential nuclear deal, Reuters notes.

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