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exact ( 4 )

But the election next spring is likely to lead to frantic coalition-building and alienating local voters or potential allies for Singh's beleagured Congress Party now would be costly.

At least that was the case until her close friend Ms. Bell moved to Chicago a year ago, and Ms. Cachay said she believed she needed other outlets to meet people, especially potential allies for her business plans.

After the demise of the Christian Democrats in the early 1990s, his faction emerged as potential allies for the old communists who had renounced Marxism.The fusion of these two groups in 2007 created the party that Mr Franceschini now leads.

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similar ( 56 )

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian, and he may simply, genuinely admire Putin, and see in him a potential ally for the United States's global efforts against Islamic extremism.

Gray, a relatively centrist Democrat who was elected to the council in November to represent Ward 7, is a potential ally for the mayor from an ideological standpoint.

Grassley has emerged as an important potential ally for the US president given his position on the judiciary committee, one of several congressional committees that is investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

The Bragman camp represents a potential ally for Republicans, who during Mr. Pataki's first term tried to pressure individual Democrats to break ranks with Mr. Silver and support the governor's drive to enact tax cuts, toughen criminal penalties and reduce government spending.

The U.S. bears the biggest responsibility, with the 27-member European Union just behind the U.S. India a potential ally for China in the Copenhagen talks bears none of the responsibility under China's calculations.

Russia has emerged as a potential ally for the Kurds, as the Rosneft deal indicates; it could use the promise of energy contracts to pull the Kurds away from the American orbit, at a time when tensions between Russia and the United States in Syria are at an all-time high.

It would have to be a slow, careful, patient process that combined punishment of specific violent people with the offer of rewards for potential allies of the West.

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