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Sentence examples for play on the stage that from inspiring English sources

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The actor said it was an "absolute thrill" to perform the play on the stage that it "first found its voice".

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Unless you count his performance of "the isle is full of noises" speech from The Tempest at the Olympics opening ceremony, it has been a decade since Kenneth Branagh played a Shakespeare role on the stage: that was Richard III at the Crucible in Sheffield.

He is already so close, there on the stage, that the play runs the risk of letting you forget how distant Cromwell really is.

Though he would be one of 435 House members, Mr. Emanuel is so determined to play on the national stage that he regularly calls national reporters to offer his opinions on national issues -- and talk about his own future.

"The stage that I played on in the Super Bowl, playing for Jeremy, I mean, it can't really get bigger than that spotlight," Boss said.

The big stars, of course, concentrate on the stages that play to their strengths: climbing, sprinting or time trialing.

And before filming Fishing seemingly on a whim in Kenya, he was following around and filming ball-hugging Bono and the rest of U2 on that tour where they made a buttzillion dollars and played on a stage that looks like the giant squid at the end of the Watchmen comic book.

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