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Sentence examples for play on the maxim that from inspiring English sources

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In "Limitless" Mr. Cooper plays Eddie, a schlubby would-be writer who discovers NZT, a drug that allows him to use 100 percent of his brainpower (a play on the maxim that most of us only use 10 percent).

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similar ( 59 )

She said she was writing the play around the maxim that "being in love was like being in Auschwitz".

It has generally relied on the maxim that Swiss banks should carry more capital than their foreign peers do, as a kind of insurance premium.

In a society that runs on the maxim that a person should be rewarded for the desirable abilities they possess, it makes little sense for college football players playing in profitable programs to be penalized for capitalizing on their talent, while the institutions they play for unabashedly do so.

This offers the opportunity to turn on its head the maxim that "history is written by the winners".

On this view, while there is a significant semantical distinction here, the content of the maxim that 'Whatever is, is one' is simply not contradicted by that of the maxim that 'Whatever are, are many'.

"The supervisors believe in the maxim that haste makes waste".

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