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exact ( 1 )

From there, we could play on the idea that the manufacturer, PCD, is "really twisting it up" by having a QWERTY keyboard on one half of the rotating design, and music controls and stereo speakers on the other.

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similar ( 59 )

He has sought to play down the idea that those on the plane were trying to escape the Taliban's strict Islamic government.

Ballet Theater executives play down the idea that camps have formed on the board, but Mr. Ranieri is known to be close to Edward A. Fox, president of Ballet Theater, who is on the executive committee and opposed the ousting of Mr. Spisto.

Watchdogs on both sides of the ocean play down the idea that the Europeans bite more often than the Americans.

Mr Salmond, who is currently the SNP's spokesperson on foreign affairs at Westminster, played down the idea that he may be asked to lead his party's separate campaign to keep the UK inside the EU, saying he already had a "range of responsibilities".

Sources played down the idea that the parties were on the verge of hammering out a deal.

I played on the idea that: 'Ooh, I've become addicted to games.' That was my primary cover".

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