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The ending slogan is even a play on the catchphrase that Mr. Suozzi used four years ago: "The Suozzi-Levinson team, you know they'll do it, because they've done it".

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Michelle of the De Gaulle Resistance, played by Kirsten Cooke, had the catchphrase that Lloyd took for the title of his memoir: strictly speaking, it should have been spelled Leesten Vairy Carefully, I Shall Say Zees Arnly Wernce.

That is the catchphrase that the White House has settled on to signal both a diagnosis of the problems that have ailed the economy since long before the recession hit and the liberal policies that might act as an antidote.

Zack Snyder's Superman reboot casts Michael Shannon as the villainous general, but leaves behind the catchphrase that Terrence Stamp made famous in "Superman II," when he played the same role.

I love the catchphrases that she gives to her characters and sometimes find myself saying "Spot on the fish cake" just like Fidget.

The program's host, Jimmy Hill, often referred to a footballer's playing as "tasty", a catchphrase that Starr incorporated into his song lyrics: Commentators have interpreted the song, and particularly this statement, as an attack by Starr on his former Beatles bandmate Paul McCartney.

"Star Wars" enthusiasts marked the day celebrating the space saga by chanting or tweeting "May the Fourth Be With You", a play on the films' catchphrase "May the force be with you".

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