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Sentence examples for people are enamored with from inspiring English sources

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exact (5)

"People are enamored with him.

The New York Times - Sports

People are enamored with the mean-mugging accomplice who helped Rihanna seek revenge on her swindling accountant.

Many people are enamored with being able to send an unmanned aerial vehicle to kill people in another country without a soldier in this country being harmed.

Many people are enamored with the dream of living "off the grid" -- that is, dropping out of modern civilization completely and becoming a self-sufficient iconoclast, free of utility bills, government intrusion and other pressures of the modern world.

What we tried to do is get some people who had some celebrity, because people are enamored with celebrity, but we also wanted to have some everyday people because we didn't want this to just be about [raising] a celebrity child.

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similar (55)

Mr. Obuchi turned his low-key style into a genuine asset, and the Japanese people were enamored with his humility and the stability he imposed on politics.

People were enamored with the idea and donated millions of dollars to install 4,000 of these merry-go-round pumps in African villages.

Christie: "For the people who are enamored with the idea... the tax revenue from this, go to Colorado and see if you want to live there".

"Most people would choose the driver because they are enamored with distance," Harmon said.

Not all museums are enamored with technology, however.

The Giants are enamored with Ross's potential.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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