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Sentence examples for people are disgusted with from inspiring English sources

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exact (17)

People are disgusted with Washington.

The New York Times

People are disgusted with paying $10 for a glass of wine," Ms. Keys said.

The American people are disgusted with business as usual in Washington, and it's not hard to understand why.

Ordinary people are disgusted with party corruption, and going after corrupt "tigers" underpins Mr Xi's popularity, such as it can be measured.

Ordinary people are disgusted with party corruption, and going after corrupt "tigers" underpins Mr Xi's popularity, as far as it can be measured.

"People are disgusted with the noncompetence and old-boy connections," said Ira Rohter, a professor of political science at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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similar (43)

"People were disgusted with what they saw, and many approached the artists while they were working, expressing their disapproval of having such images shoved in their faces".

People everywhere are disgusted with the behaviour of MPs, but feel that voting is a waste of time, since the first-past-the-post electoral system ensures that their vote can make no difference if they live in a safe seat constituency.

Media captionCol Steve Warren: "We are reasonably certain that we killed the target that we intended to kill" On the human side, he said, Raqqa activists, "people who are disgusted with the Islamic State," tell him and others outside the country about the group - such as where militants spend time and where they've carried out some of their murders.

Such a campaign would give progressives a powerful issue with which to unify our constituencies and broaden our base to the vast majority of people who are disgusted with both Big Business and Big Government.

The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour.

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