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Free sign up"past occurrence" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to refer to an event that happened in the past, for example: "The detective studied the past occurrences of the suspect before making an arrest".
In speaking about the embarrassing experience to the press, Mr. Welles said "The broadcast was performed as if occuring in the future and as if it were then related by a surviror of a past occurrence.
The Huttonian proposal that the Earth has largely achieved its present form through the past occurrence of processes still in operation has come to be known as the doctrine of uniformitarianism.
Although cancer's current epidemiological landscape is fairly well known, its past occurrence and history seem more obscure.
Here we review to what extent the past occurrence of three fundamental aspects of forest conservation can be assessed using paleoecological data, with a focus on northern Europe.
Further detailed study is required to clarify the past occurrence of the TauL1-TauL2 inter-lineage hybrinizAeion in Ae. tauschii.
At the same time, the poleward migration model predicts the past occurrence of these basalmost angiosperm families in the Northern Hemisphere.
Instead, seismologists have focused on the less precise goal of forecasting the probability of a quake happening in a given period of time, based on past occurrences.
However, a future disturbance event may be forecast based on time series data (i.e., records of past occurrences) and the event's probability of occurrence across a long interval.
Justice Teresi rejected a prosecution motion to preclude some of the expert witnesses the defense plans to call, and he ruled that "past occurrences involving certain defendants" -- presumably incidents in which the officers had fired their guns -- would not be admissible during trial.
But the Frairie des Petits Ventres is also aimed at bringing butchers and tripe-sellers back into fashion, at a time when industrialization of meat products, modern consumption habits and past occurrences of mad cow disease have deprived them of regular customers.
If past occurrences are any indication, everything should be just fine.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @