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The presence of BER components in CIS cells does not per se prove that they participate in retaining the genome in a hypomethylated state.

British Journal of Cancer
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What's more, such constellations would allow supervisors to provide on-going supervision that warrants patient safety, and at the same time encourage residents to actively participate in patient care while retaining their autonomy.

These phones are not just a nice-to-have, they've quickly become a must have for these villages, deeply tied to the way they make money, participate in their government and retain closely important family relationships.

The individuals were given a choice to participate in SMA carrier testing and retained the right to refuse participation at any time during the study.

When additional flower parts, such as the stem axis or floral tube, are retained or participate in fruit formation, as in the apple, an accessory fruit results.

Furthermore, Watson Crick pairing and all other hallmarks of the reaction-ready state are preserved, including the water molecules that participate in the WMSA mechanism, which retain positions to permit shuttling of the O3′ proton to the γ-phosphate.

The Green Party said they supported "revising and updating the laws relating to charitable NGOs, so that NGOs can participate in advocacy and be able to retain their charitable status and their ability to accept tax-deductible donations".

Osborne will also stress that Britain must retain a right to participate in aspects of financial integration with the EU, even though Britain will remain outside the euro.

CHWs participating in the study retained these skills in community practice up to 12 months post-training.

Community-based staff, as paid members of the research team, manage the local project office, recruit and retain participants, conduct interviews, coordinate physical assessments, and participate in outreach.

Alvarado went on to participate in the conquests of Peru and of northern Mexico while retaining his governorship of Guatemala.

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