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exact (11)

We investigate landowners' willingness to participate in protecting oak scrub sites in Denmark.

Journal of Forest Economics

Two of the greatest failures that threaten the human race today are our failure to teach all people to think so we can all participate in protecting the human race from self-destruction, and we are overwhelmed by our inability to communicate with each other so we can cooperate to save our civilization.

Several immune mechanisms participate in protecting the host against cancer.

Dendritic cells (DCs) are highly specific antigen presenting cells, which link innate and adaptive immune responses and participate in protecting hosts from invading pathogens.

These data suggest that this protein is principally located at the cell wall where it may participate in protecting the fungus from oxidative stresses.

This possibility raises questions about what factors associated with reward might participate in protecting the brain from the negative influence of stress hormones and further, whether similar or other factors are responsible for the beneficial effects of sexual experience.

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similar (49)

In our previous study, we reported that MGr1-Ag/37LRP ligation-induced adhesion participated in protecting gastric cancer cells from a number of apoptotic stimuli caused by chemotherapeutic drugs.

Alpha 1-antitrypsin (A1AT) is formed in the liver, and it participates in protecting the lungs from neutrophil elastase, a particular enzyme that is capable of disrupting connective tissue.

According to these results, the mechanisms of MGr1-Ag/37LRP ligation-initiated intracellular signal transduction pathways participated in protecting GC cells from a number of apoptotic stimuli caused by chemotherapeutic drugs.

Everyone can participate in respecting, protecting and fulfilling children's rights.

In addition, we need to ensure that children are aware of their rights and can fully participate in the protecting their rights".

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