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Sentence examples for participate in preserving from inspiring English sources

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Additionally, respondents who are richer, employed, better educated, better informed regarding the culture of the site and more influenced by the listing are more willing to participate in preserving the cultural heritage of the region.

Wine Economics and Policy
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This heritage needs to be protected and enhanced as it participates in preserving the cultural identity of a community and contributes to extending the value of stone resources for sustainable and eco-friendly new buildings.

We join arms with Val?e Boyer and invite her to participate in "Endangered Species: Preserving the Female Body," our new campaign, for which we are organizing an international summit to take place in New York City in 2011.

These respondents are not prepared to participate in measures for preserving biodiversity without beneficiaries.

Although the majority of respondents do not see a Natura 2000 area as a place for quality living, it is the factor with the highest significant effect on willingness to participate in measures to preserve biodiversity.

"The eurozone countries must do what they must to resolve the crisis, but the way forward for the EU as a whole is not more centralisation and uniformity but of flexibility and variable geometry, that allows differing degrees of integration in different areas, done in ways that do not disadvantage those that do not wish to participate in everything, and preserves the things we all value".

Advanced Producing, with Ross and McConaughey's involvement, originally took place in fall 2015 while "Free State of Jones" was in active production and required students to sign a nondisclosure agreement to participate, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the film, which debuted in theaters June 24 , 2016

The Globe and Mail was one of the earliest companies to participate in the fight to preserve Great Bear, using its influence as a significant buyer of paper and a media outlet to demonstrate the market demand for more sustainable practices and raise public awareness of the challenges facing the region.

Our goal is to achieve a promising tracking accuracy and energy efficiency by choosing the candidate sensor nodes nearby the target to participate in the tracking process while preserving the others in sleep state.

35 Clinicians should urge patients with AD to participate in leisure activities, where possible, preserving function and quality of life.

Yoshinobu had hoped that by doing this, the Tokugawa house could be preserved and participate in the future government.

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