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Sentence examples for participate in perpetuating from inspiring English sources

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Spondylarthritis is characterized by enthesitis and synovitis, in which new blood vessels participate in perpetuating the inflammation.

Arthritis Research and Therapy
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It participates in perpetuating misogynist disdain for femininity and manifests in homophobic attacks on other gay men.

"That's an attitude I don't like to participate in or perpetuate," he says.

According to the trustee's lawsuit, all the individual Cohmad defendants "knew or had access to facts" that raised serious doubts about the legitimacy of that money management business and "had strong financial incentives to participate in, to perpetuate and to keep quiet about Madoff's fraudulent scheme".

These men forfeit their right to judge when they actively participate in and perpetuate the exploitation of black women who are often somebody's mama.

By sourcing their shrimp from CP Foods, these retailers are participating in and perpetuating slave labor.

But even a guy who catcalls with the misguided intention to compliment is participating in and perpetuating a system in which women are sex objects simply by existing.

As stated earlier, civic education in a democracy must prepare citizens to participate in and thereby perpetuate the system; at the same time, it must prepare them to challenge what they see as inequities and injustices within that system.

If you participate in work gossip, you perpetuate it and you belittle yourself.

Some of the more senior women participate, either consciously or unconsciously, in perpetuating the status quo and in coming down harshly on other female colleagues that are still making their way in the organisation and hoping to climb up the ladder.

Your job as Mayor of our City is not to rubber-stamp or, more aptly, perpetuate inequality, but, rather, to participate in ending it.

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