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exact ( 28 )

Attracted to Eastern philosophy and articulately conversant with what's new, doable or just plain visionary in education, Mrs. Ross said that going shoeless encourages "a respect of place" by making everyone "actively participate in maintaining the building" by "not tracking in outside dirt and grime" and by reducing noise.

This nutrient input to forest ecosystems is not commonly taken into account but may strongly participate in maintaining the chemical fertility of soils over time.

In this respect, taking into account the relational nature of economic transactions enables me to move the scholarship forward and describe how economic remittances participate in maintaining the transnational ties along which social remittances circulate.

They participate in maintaining white supremacy and don't understand or care to unpack how they are complicit in order to affect change.

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similar ( 32 )

ICG-PDR is a complex measure of both, sinusoidal perfusion as well as hepatic cell membrane function, and thus, reflects a functional reserve of intact hepatocytes which participate in maintained nutritional perfusion [ 21].

These results suggest that a Gi-coupled receptor actively participates in maintaining the morphology of human pluripotent colonies.

ATM has been implicated in participating in maintaining genomic integrity of the telomeric ends as well.

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