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Sentence examples for outcomes of tasks from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

However, 'information/advice' and 'prescription of low vision aids' predicted the outcomes of tasks underlying the goal 'Acceptance'Acceptance

Task force meetings were reorganized to limit attendance to members of essential response committees that were empowered to make decisions and to include time for follow-up on outcomes of tasks assigned the day before.

21 24 25 Model outputs will cover a range of indicators (table 2), although the final indicators and data are to be determined by the outcomes of tasks 1 and 2. In task 4, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the ROI in tobacco control using the outputs from country-specific models to inform the transferability of results.

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similar ( 55 )

By quantifying the outcomes of task-shifting and other programmatic changes in HIV care and treatment, models like these can assist planners in analyzing and optimizing future medical resource allocation.

Amason and Jehn respectively found that the outcome of task conflict can be functional or dysfunctional depending on the circumstances.

In William's case B (the partner redefines the scope) and Alexander's case (the design does not work as planned), what Schön would call a surprise occurred, as the mismatch was assessed as an unexpected outcome of task execution.

Reflecting on one's understanding of, feelings about and experience with a particular incident 2 Surprise: a mismatch is assessed in the event when the outcome of task execution is unexpected (positive or negative) 2 Experiencing and acknowledging an unexpected outcome: is there a problem?

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