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exact (29)

But Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday that "there are other options available to us".

The New York Times

They tell me they can go to other places to see bullfights but that these families don't have other options available to them".

Other options available to Nissan include trying to buy more shares in Renault or to issue more shares to dilute the holding of the French carmaker.

Officials are also insisting that insurers tell customers of other options available to them through the online insurance marketplace at the core of the reforms known as Obamacare.

The complaint tries to suggest that there were many other options available to the government, including the notion that Fannie and Freddie didn't really need to be rescued.

This study has demonstrated that sex workers are a diverse group, most of whom have chosen their work as a preference to the other options available to them.

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similar (31)

By this stage, however, it will be far too late to pursue the only other option available to the stop Trump plotters.

This is the fifth test (so it will have a smaller ripple effect), but Kim Jong-un doesn't have any other option available to him to consolidate his power.

The other option available to families is to file a claim with the federal Victim Compensation Fund, which offers a quicker and more certain award but which also requires applicants to waive their right to sue.

Theresa May put it this way to MPs on Tuesday: "The other option available to us, which is to refer the case to the Grand Chamber… could take even longer and would risk reopening our wider policy of seeking assurances about the treatment of terror suspects in their home countries.

So while many contend "guns don't kill people," the people who wield them know they're far more likely to be successful and therefore deadly with a gun than any other option available to them.

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